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Texas Green Hydrogen Complex

Air Products is teaming up with AES to invest ~$4 billion to build, own and operate the United States’ largest green hydrogen production facility in Texas. This megaproject will use renewable power to generate clean hydrogen, which can then be used to fuel heavy-duty transportation—like buses, trucks, trains and ships—and decarbonize hard-to-abate industriessuch as steelmaking and cement productionwith zero emissions.

Clean Energy on a Massive Scale

Hydrogen plays a critical role in the energy transition. By increasing clean hydrogen production and use, we can significantly reduce emissions. Air Products and AES are teaming up to do just that. 

By the Numbers


emissions produced when hydrogen is used as a fuel to power buses, trucks, ships and cars


metric tons per day of green hydrogen produced, making it the largest green hydrogen facility in the U.S.


gigawatts of wind and solar power used to power the facility with zero emissions

1.6 million

metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions eliminated annually if all the green hydrogen from this facility were used in the heavy-duty truck market

50 million

metric tons of CO₂ expected to be avoided over the project’s lifetime, equal to avoiding emissions from ~5 billion gallons of diesel fuel


years of experience safely producing and distributing hydrogen

Investment in Texas

4 billion

investment in the state of Texas

500 million

in expected tax benefits to the state over the course of the project’s lifetime


construction jobs created


permanent jobs created to operate the facility


transportation and distribution jobs created


largest green hydrogen facility in the U.S.

How It Works

This project will generate renewable power from wind and solar energy. This energy will be used to power electrolyzers
which will generate green hydrogen by running a current through water to separate the water into oxygen and hydrogen.
The green hydrogen will then be used to fuel heavy-duty transportation—like buses, trucks, trains and ships—and decarbonize 
hard-to-abate industriessuch as steelmaking and cement productionwith zero emissions.

Texas green hydrogen complex

Hydrogen Experts

Air Products is the world's largest hydrogen supplier with over 60 years of experience. We are hydrogen experts delivering safe, end-to-end solutions, investing in real, clean energy projects at scale, and driving the industry forward to generate a cleaner future.

Contact us to learn more about this project.

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